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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pasta Maker!

My pasta maker is my latest and greatest new toy.
I bought it yesterday from the Re Store for $74.95 and made the most sensational pasta last night.
It is so easy to make, and definitely worth the effort.
Good for cooks like me who like getting their hands dirty because you have to do lots of kneading, and feeding the pasta through the machine.

Dough recipe: 100g flour to 1 egg
It is recommended that you use 1 egg for every person, but I used about 5 eggs between 3 and that was enough for a nice large bowl of pasta each.
I used regular flour but today I bought some durum semolina which is a beautiful saffron coloured really fine semolina flour which I’m hoping will make a really special pasta. I’ll keep you posted.

I refridgerated my dough for about 30 minutes before I put it through the machine - this made it a nice consistency to work with.

I made a delicious red capsicum and chorizo sauce to toss the fresh pasta through. Simple and delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey perhaps try some different portions of eggs to flour. you can make it just with the egg yolks. (typically about twenty yolks to 500g of flour.) this makes a nice rich dough. or a combination of yolks and whole eggs.
Other variations are using things like vegetable juice and flour for nice coloured strands, or using spices like saffron, paprika or even ground porcini mushrooms. The combinations are endless. have fun experimenting.